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They are called Al-Mizan

 They are called Al-Mizan

An illusion called the scale

Losing weight does not only mean losing fat. There are many factors that lead to false weight gain, which leads to feelings of frustration and also leads many people to go back on their diet due to a feeling of failure and not getting results.. and here it is. We briefly explain the factors that lead to false weight gain despite the body losing fat. These factors include:
  • 1- The menstrual cycle in women may lead to weight gain.
  • 2- Weight after eating or drinking after eating Food increases weight depending on the amount of food and drink.
  • 3- Eating meals rich in salt leads to fluid retention.
  • 4- The presence of an amount of urine in the bladder.
  • 5- Constipation because waste is considered excess weight.
  • 6- The quality and thickness of clothing as well.
  • 7- Also, exercising, especially exercising with equipment and weights, leads to a healthy weight gain that prevents sagging and sculpts the body despite Weight gain, and we notice this in bodybuilders and boxers.
Most programs designed for weight loss reduce the percentage of water stored in the body or burn calories stored in muscle tissue, and for this reason there is a great possibility of increasing the percentage of fat despite weight loss, and vice versa. This is why the weighing process alone is considered inaccurate and does not determine exactly whether the body is losing fat or losing only water. The most dangerous programs used for weight loss are those that attempt to lose weight by ridding the body of water through slimming pills. This is why we confirm that those who adhere to 60% of our programs It loses a very large percentage of fat, and this is shown through measurements of body circumferences and the percentage of body fat. It also appears in a blood analysis of low cholesterol, triglycerides, blood fats, and risk factors.
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